Saturday, May 12th, 2018
I love Taco Tuesday. Actually, in the year 2020, Cinco De Mayo falls on a Taco Tuesday, and my calendar is already marked because that day is gunna be epic. But if I’m being honest, I think I like “Taco Tuesday” for the two “tee” sounds instead of the “taco” or the “Tuesday” part, because […]
Saturday, September 2nd, 2017
Prescription drug commercials are the best. They’re always filmed in subdued slow-motion with an ethereal, gauzy quality, kind of like a soap opera. There’re always plenty of pretty people frolicking around with toothy smiles. And there’s always a calming, hypnotic voice in the background listing off the side effects that come from traditional pharmaceuticals. I […]
Saturday, August 19th, 2017
Three people have asked me this question before I sold them marijuana. It’s a strange feeling—knowing that you’re selling pot to someone who’s only heard stories about the high—and it’s an honor to answer it. But in a way, it’s a nebulous concept, one that seems ineffable once you try to put it into words, […]
Saturday, August 12th, 2017
Libby Lunda Retail Floor Manager Libby used to sit by a stream in Wisconsin to smoke with her friends. They’d buy quarter ounces for fifty bucks, and the stuff was just as horrid as you’d imagine: brown brick-weed that had just as many seeds and stems as it did flower. They’d load their bowls and […]
Saturday, August 5th, 2017
Darth Vader is cool only because he has theme music. Granted, the lightsaber helps a little bit, as does his freaky ability to choke fools from a distance, but if it wasn’t for the sonorous, tonal music that follows Vader wherever he goes, he’d be average at best. All the other aliens in that far, […]
Saturday, July 1st, 2017
The Greenery is a recreational-only marijuana dispensary. However, we offer a twenty-percent discount to medical patients (so long as you can show us a valid Colorado MMJ card), and we do so for good reason: for many people, marijuana really is effective. Frankly, most people buy pot to get high, and there’s nothing wrong with […]
Friday, July 1st, 2016
Harsh Hits Getting You Down? O.penVAPE Has You Covered! This simple and fun device is a revolution in recreational marijuana. Instead of burning cannabis flower, O.penVAPE vaporizes THC oil. This creates a smooth, enjoyable hit with much less odor. The O.penVAPE is built on vaping technology, so if you are familiar with vaping, you already […]
Saturday, May 14th, 2016
The Greenery in Durango, CO Announces New & Improved Daily Deals for Recreational Marijuana! We have received great feedback from our recreational dispensary customers on The Greenery’s Daily Deals, including that Monday’s in Colorado aren’t so miserable! In response to that feedback and to show gratitude to our amazing customers, starting May 19, 2016, our […]