Best Bud of the Month: Ryley – Budtender

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021

Ryley is the goofy one; the one always laughing and enjoying her time here at The Greenery. And really, we love her for it. Meetings are more fun with Ryley in them; the retail floor is livelier when Ryley is there; our company as a whole is a happier place now that Ryley is on […]


Best Bud of the Month: Jewel – Bud Tender

Thursday, January 21st, 2021

About your Best Bud: Jewel is part of a younger generation, one that simply doesn’t understand the struggle that came from being a stoner twenty-something years ago, because way back then, Jewel was still in diapers instead of waiting in dark parking lots for pot like the rest of us. And as soon as she […]


How to Become a Budtender

Monday, December 30th, 2019

Out of all the questions I get standing behind our bud counter, “how do I become a budtender?” is one of the most common. I guess there’s just something mystic about my job, something romantic or salacious, that makes everyone want to jump on board (or maybe it’s my employee discount). Either way, I get […]


History of The Greenery

Saturday, September 21st, 2019

A local man walked into our Durango dispensary about ten minutes before I started writing this. He was wearing his puffy coat even though it’s a bit early for down, he parked his Subaru right outside our front door, and he walked in with a comment about tourists, so I knew immediately he was a […]


Exercising with Marijuana

Saturday, August 24th, 2019

Did you know that cannabis gyms exist? For real, THIS one is thriving in California and THIS one was doing alright here in Colorado before they were shutdown for breaking a few rules. And these places are exactly what you’d expect: normal-looking gyms where you’re allowed to consume cannabis and workout at the same time. […]


How to Tell Your Children You Smoke Marijuana

Saturday, June 15th, 2019

A daddy-promise is a sacred thing, something I’d never break, and I made one to my youngest daughter when I said I’d “never smoke another cigarette.” Of course, when I made that promise, I had to include a couple caveats: sometimes, I’d enjoy the occasional cigar, and of course, I’d keep smoking cannabis as much […]


A Book About Marijuana

Saturday, May 11th, 2019

Have you ever read “To kill a Mocking Bird” by Harper Lee? It’s an American classic that won a Pulitzer in 1961, but it’s the only book ever written by Lee, which is a bit strange when you think about it. Honestly, if your first book ended up being one of the all-time best, wouldn’t […]


The THC Classic

Saturday, April 27th, 2019

I’m still getting used to the idea of marijuana business trips. The business trip part is simple enough because I did that for over a decade—I got used to the slacks and nice shirts, the hotels and continental breakfasts, the company bar tabs and small talk. And when you think about it, nothing should change […]


A Good Day with Cannabis

Saturday, March 23rd, 2019

Do you remember that “It Was a Good Day” song by Ice Cube? If not, it’s a classic, and you need to listen to it immediately, but if you do, I apologize for getting it stuck in your head. But the reason I ask is that recently, I read a news story wherein a bunch […]


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