Saturday, April 28th, 2018
Why is it that only the Middle East is famous for hash? It’s not fair… Yes, I know that “hashish” is an Arabic word, and I know they came up with it first, but I’m still a little jealous. And I don’t care if it sounds like I’m throwing a fit because I’m allowed to—I’m […]
Saturday, April 21st, 2018
Chris Romero Budtender Extraordinaire About your Best Bud: Chris Romero is a family man. His thoughts and conversations are always about his eighteen-months-old son, Julian, and his wife, Stephanie. And they’re both delightful—Stephanie and Julian came to our last company function and did their best to smile while everyone else took tequila shots, and they […]
Saturday, April 14th, 2018
Long story short, there isn’t any. Not really, anyway, because for an oil to be a “Rick Simpson Oil,” it needs to me made by Rick Simpson. That’s just how it works. And honestly, I thought the guy was dead, but as it turns out, he’s living happily in Croatia because the Canadian Mounties raided […]
Saturday, April 7th, 2018
Some of the world’s best hashish comes from the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon, where cannabis farmers have been dry-aging and pressing kief into bricks since long before hashish made it to America. However, there’s a problem: hash is illegal in Lebanon, and the Lebanese government routinely bulldozes entire fields that were once sown and harvested […]