Saturday, January 25th, 2020
What’s Next for Marijuana? The new year is still young, so my brain is still stuck on the “new” motif when it comes to writing these pot blogs—this week, I’ve decided to write about what’s on the horizon for the legal marijuana market here in Colorado. But before I get to that, I wanted to […]
Saturday, January 18th, 2020
Pot Potpourri I can’t tell you how much I love Jeopardy, nor can I express how saddened I am given Alex Trebek’s stage-four cancer. It’s a tragedy, but I’ve found that I’ve been watching his show much more than usual because I want to soak it all up before the era ends. And lately, my […]
Saturday, January 11th, 2020
How long is marijuana good for? Just like many of our past blogs, this one was inspired by the questions that come from you, our clientele, because those are the questions that matter. And more than one of you have asked how long marijuana can be stored, so it’s time to answer that question as […]
Saturday, January 4th, 2020
Happy New Year! Everyone loves this time of year thanks to one cliché or another (you know, “new year, new me” or, “new year, new beginnings”), but what about “new year, new products”? Frankly, novelty is a good thing because it breaks molds and habits, and when it comes to the retail side of things, […]