Let’s Talk About Cannabis

Saturday, May 9th, 2020

Let’s Talk About Cannabis Now that 4/20 is behind us, and now that I’ve written blog after blog about Covid-19 and the ways it’s changing how to buy marijuana in Colorado, I can finally get back to writing about that which I love the most: cannabis. Honestly, it’s the best job in the world, but […]


Covid-19 and Marijuana

Wednesday, April 29th, 2020

Covid-19 and Marijuana Look… it takes more than slapping some gloves on a budtender to keep you, our clientele, safe during this pandemic. I wanted to say that right from the get-go because I’ve heard that a few of the other shops in town haven’t done anything besides giving their budtenders gloves, and that’s unfortunate. […]


420 Dispensary Deals in Durango

Saturday, April 18th, 2020

In the Colorado cannabis industry, “April” is synonymous with “insanity.” It’s just a fact. For us, April is like someone took Christmas and stuffed it with the 4th of July and then wrapped it with a birthday. It really is that awesome because April is the beginning of our cannabis award season, it’s the when […]


The History of Hashish

Saturday, October 5th, 2019

The elusive origins of hashish are steeped in mythology and shrouded in mystery, thus, arriving to a conclusion about just when humans began to craft concentrates from the Cannabis plant is extremely difficult. Archaeological evidence and reference to sieving cannabis resin or hashish seems to appear in 9th century Muslim texts, however, there are also […]


History of The Greenery

Saturday, September 21st, 2019

A local man walked into our Durango dispensary about ten minutes before I started writing this. He was wearing his puffy coat even though it’s a bit early for down, he parked his Subaru right outside our front door, and he walked in with a comment about tourists, so I knew immediately he was a […]


Upcoming Deals at The Greenery

Saturday, September 7th, 2019

Insider information makes everyone feel special. It lets you know what you’re getting into, it gives you a secret to share, and it makes you feel like a prescient part of the team. But recently, I’ve realized that I’ve been a bit covetous of my insider information when I should be sharing it freely. Point […]


Exercising with Marijuana

Saturday, August 24th, 2019

Did you know that cannabis gyms exist? For real, THIS one is thriving in California and THIS one was doing alright here in Colorado before they were shutdown for breaking a few rules. And these places are exactly what you’d expect: normal-looking gyms where you’re allowed to consume cannabis and workout at the same time. […]


Buying Marijuana Stocks

Saturday, August 10th, 2019

I hope you’re ready for a few disclaimers, because here they come… the opinions per the flowing cannabis stocks are mine and mine alone, not those of The Greenery. Secondly, there is risk involved with all investments and it’s possible to lose money on any speculation, so please don’t think you’re going to get rich […]


1906 in Durango

Saturday, August 3rd, 2019

I’ve told you before why marijuana was illegal. You can read the full explanation HERE, but basically, it’s all because of three old buttheads. One of them ran a papermill and he didn’t want legal hemp to compete with his tree farms, one was about to be out of a job after the end of […]


How to Tell Your Children You Smoke Marijuana

Saturday, June 15th, 2019

A daddy-promise is a sacred thing, something I’d never break, and I made one to my youngest daughter when I said I’d “never smoke another cigarette.” Of course, when I made that promise, I had to include a couple caveats: sometimes, I’d enjoy the occasional cigar, and of course, I’d keep smoking cannabis as much […]


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