#Dispolife Part 3

Saturday, August 4th, 2018

I do my best to keep you apprised of all the mercurial changes that we go through as a company, but it’s difficult because it seems like we’re always doing something new. Our menu keeps expanding with new products, our staff is a fluid thing because people keep moving up or moving out, and this […]


Blunts in Durango

Monday, July 23rd, 2018

Blunts were special things when I was younger because they combined two things I wasn’t supposed to have: marijuana and tobacco. My friends and I would buy one of those nasty Swisher Sweets with a honey-dipped tip, break it open to scrape out all the brown stuff, and then we’d fill it with way too […]


Colorado Dark Hash

Saturday, April 28th, 2018

Why is it that only the Middle East is famous for hash? It’s not fair… Yes, I know that “hashish” is an Arabic word, and I know they came up with it first, but I’m still a little jealous. And I don’t care if it sounds like I’m throwing a fit because I’m allowed to—I’m […]


Lebanese Hash in Durango

Saturday, April 7th, 2018

Some of the world’s best hashish comes from the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon, where cannabis farmers have been dry-aging and pressing kief into bricks since long before hashish made it to America. However, there’s a problem: hash is illegal in Lebanon, and the Lebanese government routinely bulldozes entire fields that were once sown and harvested […]


PAX Era in Durango

Saturday, March 31st, 2018

The road is a strange place. It’s liminal, neither here nor there, and time morphs when I travel. So, I turn to the radio, and it always disappoints. You’d think good songs would make it through the ether in the wide-open places, but it’s mostly static. I’ll click the seek button and watch the green […]


Crystalline in Durango

Saturday, March 10th, 2018

It was only a matter of time before the nerds got into this industry. I say that affectionately, of course, because smart people always make things better, but we’ve crossed a barrier of sorts. Just a few years ago, any of us could’ve made all the marijuana concentrates on the market in our basements if […]


Rosin in Durango

Saturday, February 24th, 2018

There are two types of people in this world: people who love Bon Jovi, and people who pretend like they don’t. I’ve done research, and this fact is all-the-way true. And when you think about it, humans are split down the middle when it comes to just about everything—some people like going out, some people […]


Marijuana Inhaler

Saturday, January 27th, 2018

Did you know that they make marijuana-infused nasal spray? Actually, sometimes I wonder who “they” are. You know, like are “they” a clandestine group of super-geniuses sitting somewhere subterranean, inventing things the way you and I write grocery lists? I don’t know, but “they” come up with all sorts of cool stuff, like pot nasal […]


Marijuana Gift Baskets

Saturday, November 25th, 2017

I have the same first name as my brother-in-law. I’ve known him for most of my life—we grew up together in a rather remote part of Alaska, friends long before we became family—and we’ve always shared that strange rivalry that lives between two people with the same first name. He calls me “#2,” in a […]


Caviar Marijuana

Saturday, October 21st, 2017

People get pretty pretentious when it comes to fish eggs. Think about it: the only true “caviar” comes from the critically endangered beluga sturgeon—a monstrous fish that swam alongside dinosaurs—and it sells for $290 an ounce. It’s salty and black and usually enjoyed by people who wear suits and snobby expressions, like James Bond. I’ve […]


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