Dispensary FAQs

Saturday, August 11th, 2018

As a budtender, I’ve heard them all: Is marijuana instantly addictive? Will this stuff make me see flying animals? Would you please mail some of that marijuana sex spray to me here in South Africa? For real, I’ve answered all these questions, and I tried my best to do so with a straight face. And […]


CBD in Durango

Saturday, June 30th, 2018

CBD stands for “Cannabidiol.” I wanted to say that right off the bat because most people think “CBD” is an acronym that stands for something (like “cannabis, because duh”), but it’s not—it’s simply an abbreviation, just like “THC,” which stands for “tetrahydrocannabinol.” But what CBD does is more important than what it means: Cannabidiol is […]


How to Identify Quality Marijuana

Saturday, June 9th, 2018

Part of me wants to say, “go to The Greenery and look at our marijuana because that’s what quality looks like,” but I’m not going to do that to you. I’ve been writing these blogs long enough to assume that I’ve built up a bit of ethos with at least one of you, and I […]


March’s Best Bud of the Month

Saturday, March 17th, 2018

Sloane Burdick Manufacturing Lead (Supreme Commander of Hash) About your Best Bud: Sloane is the funny one. Or maybe Sloane is the artsy one, or the wild one, the fun one. Or maybe Sloane is the cool one, the one who’s real, albeit a little unfettered. Or maybe Sloane can’t really be classified as “this” […]


Rosin in Durango

Saturday, February 24th, 2018

There are two types of people in this world: people who love Bon Jovi, and people who pretend like they don’t. I’ve done research, and this fact is all-the-way true. And when you think about it, humans are split down the middle when it comes to just about everything—some people like going out, some people […]


Stoners and Stigmas

Saturday, February 3rd, 2018

I recently met a man in our dispensary who builds skyscrapers in Cincinnati. He started small, of course, building his business out of the back of his truck, but after a few decades of work, real work, he found freedom. He landed the type of life that allows him to fly to Durango on his […]


Marijuana Inhaler

Saturday, January 27th, 2018

Did you know that they make marijuana-infused nasal spray? Actually, sometimes I wonder who “they” are. You know, like are “they” a clandestine group of super-geniuses sitting somewhere subterranean, inventing things the way you and I write grocery lists? I don’t know, but “they” come up with all sorts of cool stuff, like pot nasal […]


December’s Best Bud of the Month

Saturday, December 16th, 2017

Chris “they call me Chitty” Chitwood Manufacturing Facility Manager About your Best Bud: Chitty is the coolest person to ever come out of Arkansas. Seriously. From the narwhal tattoo on his calf to the astronaut helmet he wore at our last company party, Chitty is as rad as they come. And he’s the only person […]


Marijuana Gift Baskets

Saturday, November 25th, 2017

I have the same first name as my brother-in-law. I’ve known him for most of my life—we grew up together in a rather remote part of Alaska, friends long before we became family—and we’ve always shared that strange rivalry that lives between two people with the same first name. He calls me “#2,” in a […]


Best Bud of the Month

Saturday, September 16th, 2017

Mike Michon Cultivation Manager It came up casually in my conversation with Mike that he’s seen Phish in concert fifty-two times. He said it like it was no big deal, nothing out of the ordinary. But it is, and I stopped him halfway into a new subject so we could talk about it: Me: “Dear […]


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