How Much Edible Should I Eat?

Saturday, September 26th, 2020

Well, you shouldn’t eat all of them. Every single stoner I know has a “this one time” story wherein they ate way too much, and most of those stories end up in a tree, on in the fetal position under a blanket. And that’s because it’s possible to get infinitely higher from edibles than from […]


Wana in Durango: New Products at The Greenery

Saturday, September 5th, 2020

Coronavirus was kicking our butts there for a while, and since we were hunkered down behind the glass of our curbside pick-up window, we went through a period wherein we didn’t bring on any new products. But now, things are creeping back towards normality: the kids are back in school, the days are getting cooler, […]


Dab Tabs in Durango

Saturday, July 25th, 2020

I’d thought that the creativity in the cannabis industry had reached its peak with THC transdermal patches that keep you high for twelve hours, or at least with the THC inhalers that work just like the ones for asthma, because how much more high-tech can things get? Honestly, I’d assumed that “they” had thought of […]


Communist Cannabis

Thursday, July 23rd, 2020

I want you to picture a naked Russian man standing next to a horse without a saddle (I promise this has something to do with pot, so hang in there). He’s in the Chu Valley, right between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, and it’s a nice day. The grasslands around him are flat and verdant—in fact, he’s […]


Let’s Talk About Cannabis

Saturday, May 9th, 2020

Let’s Talk About Cannabis Now that 4/20 is behind us, and now that I’ve written blog after blog about Covid-19 and the ways it’s changing how to buy marijuana in Colorado, I can finally get back to writing about that which I love the most: cannabis. Honestly, it’s the best job in the world, but […]


Covid-19 and Marijuana

Wednesday, April 29th, 2020

Covid-19 and Marijuana Look… it takes more than slapping some gloves on a budtender to keep you, our clientele, safe during this pandemic. I wanted to say that right from the get-go because I’ve heard that a few of the other shops in town haven’t done anything besides giving their budtenders gloves, and that’s unfortunate. […]


420 Dispensary Deals in Durango

Saturday, April 18th, 2020

In the Colorado cannabis industry, “April” is synonymous with “insanity.” It’s just a fact. For us, April is like someone took Christmas and stuffed it with the 4th of July and then wrapped it with a birthday. It really is that awesome because April is the beginning of our cannabis award season, it’s the when […]


Are Dispensaries in Durango Still Open?

Tuesday, April 7th, 2020

Yes! I’ll get into all the details momentarily, but first, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on legal cannabis here in Colorado, because Covid-19 has made me realize something profound. Think about it: less than a decade ago, selling marijuana like we do now would’ve landed us all in jail. But today, legal […]


Emerging Marijuana Products

Saturday, March 14th, 2020

Emerging Marijuana Products Don’t tell anybody this, but sometimes, I get bored with marijuana. After a while, the same-old-stuff stops getting me high, and when I stare at our selection after my shift is over, I’m always looking for something new. But isn’t that how we all are? Don’t we all get tired with repetitive […]


AiroPro in Durango

Tuesday, March 10th, 2020

There’s a universal sign language gesture for “marijuana vape cartridge,” and I bet you already know it, because every tourist who walks though our door uses it without knowing. They’ll come in and hold up their hand and then hold their thumb and forefinger apart by an inch or so, and say something like, “do […]


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