Saturday, September 5th, 2020
Coronavirus was kicking our butts there for a while, and since we were hunkered down behind the glass of our curbside pick-up window, we went through a period wherein we didn’t bring on any new products. But now, things are creeping back towards normality: the kids are back in school, the days are getting cooler, […]
Saturday, December 7th, 2019
The CDC finally said something concrete about all the noise that’s been in the news lately about vape-related illnesses! You can read the full article HERE, but basically, they’re saying that Vitamin E Acetate may the problem, which only shows up in black market vape cartridges. It’s typical illegal drug dealer nonsense: when they have […]
Saturday, November 2nd, 2019
My inner pot nerd is so, so excited right now, because the two products I’m writing about this week are both next-level dabs designed for the hashish connoisseur, and we’re the only Durango dispensary selling them. For real, I usually start these posts with a story or anecdote just to keep things fun, but I’m […]