Saturday, March 23rd, 2019
Do you remember that “It Was a Good Day” song by Ice Cube? If not, it’s a classic, and you need to listen to it immediately, but if you do, I apologize for getting it stuck in your head. But the reason I ask is that recently, I read a news story wherein a bunch […]
Saturday, December 22nd, 2018
Smoking pot is a social thing. It breaks the ice, it forms bonds and friendships, it reminds us that being together is better than being apart. There’s simply something about cannabis culture that’s harmonious and gregarious, peace-loving and friendly, and that’s why I love this plant so much. Think about it: when alcohol comes to […]
Saturday, December 15th, 2018
Lately, I’ve noticed a shift. About a year ago, most shoppers would come in and ask for my “cheapest” cannabis, but now, people are requesting the “best.” I know this change is occurring, but I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s because people bought from illegal dealers less than half a decade ago, and back then, […]
Friday, December 7th, 2018
Quite a few customers who came in on Black Friday were surprised to find that we were offering sales—it’s an odd phenomenon, but for some reason, people think that since we sell marijuana here, we’re different than all the other retail stores in Durango, but we’re not. We accept debit cards, we offer coupons, we […]